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ABO Group Type, Blood
PostedMay 27, 2022
UpdatedAugust 11, 2022
ByChris P.

An ABO Group Type blood test is used to determine blood group. It is based on the premise that everyone has antigens in the outer membrane of their red blood cells that correspond to a blood group – A, B, O, or AB.
Lab Tests
Blood Work
Clinic Service
- Annual Exam
- Audiogram
- Biometric Screening
- Breath Alcohol Test
- Cardiac Risk Assessments
- Chest X-ray
- Chest X-ray (LA)
- Chest X-ray (PA)
- Chest X-ray with B-reader
- DOT Exam
- Electrocardiogram (EKG)
- Flu Vaccine
- Hepatitis A Vaccine
- Hepatitis B Vaccine
- MMR Vaccine
- OSHA Questionnaire
- Physical Abilities Assessment
- Physical Exam
- Plethysmography
- Pulmonary Function Test
- Rabies Vaccine
- Respirator Fit Testing - Qualitative
- Respirator Fit Testing – Quantitative
- Spirometry
- TB Questionnaire
- Tdap Vaccine
- Travel Medicine Consult
- Tuberculosis PPD Skin Test
- Tuberculosis Two-step PPD Skin Test
- U.S. Coast Guard Exams
- Varicella Vaccine
- Vision Test - Amsler Grid
- Vision Test - Titmus
- Vision Test – Ishihara
- Vision Test– Snellen
- Yellow Fever Vaccine
- Zoster Vaccine
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