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CBC (Complete Blood Count)
PostedJuly 19, 2022
UpdatedAugust 11, 2022
ByAlana Smart

A complete blood count is a blood test which identifies and counts for the seven types of cells found in the blood: red blood cells, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, and platelets, as well as other components of blood. The information gathered from a CBC test can give insight into overall health, and identify, diagnose and monitor medical conditions
Lab Tests
Blood Work
Clinic Service
- Annual Exam
- Audiogram
- Biometric Screening
- Breath Alcohol Test
- Cardiac Risk Assessments
- Chest X-ray
- Chest X-ray (LA)
- Chest X-ray (PA)
- Chest X-ray with B-reader
- DOT Exam
- Electrocardiogram (EKG)
- Flu Vaccine
- Hepatitis A Vaccine
- Hepatitis B Vaccine
- MMR Vaccine
- OSHA Questionnaire
- Physical Abilities Assessment
- Physical Exam
- Plethysmography
- Pulmonary Function Test
- Rabies Vaccine
- Respirator Fit Testing - Qualitative
- Respirator Fit Testing – Quantitative
- Spirometry
- TB Questionnaire
- Tdap Vaccine
- Travel Medicine Consult
- Tuberculosis PPD Skin Test
- Tuberculosis Two-step PPD Skin Test
- U.S. Coast Guard Exams
- Varicella Vaccine
- Vision Test - Amsler Grid
- Vision Test - Titmus
- Vision Test – Ishihara
- Vision Test– Snellen
- Yellow Fever Vaccine
- Zoster Vaccine
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